Dr. Faisal Konbaz
Conference President – Consultant Orthopedics & Spine surgery KAMC-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdulkarim Al Rabie
Chairman of Scientific Committee – Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon Prince Sultan Military Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdulwahid barnawi
Head, Spine Cord Injury and Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery Division Department of Spine Surgery Prince Sultan Military Medical City Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdulaziz bin Shebreen
Subspecialty consultant spine and scoliosis surgery

Dr. Ali Alshoaiby
Head of Pain section, Department of Anesthesia King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh

Dr. Anouar bourghli
Consultant Orthopedics & Spine Surgeon Kingdom Hospital – Riyadh

Dr. Mai Alderea
Faculty members of the Rehabilitation Department King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Osama alrehaili
Adult and Pediatric Spine Surgeon King Saud University Medical City

Dr. Fahad Alhelal
Deputy Chairman Surgery Quality and Patient Safety at Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs (MNG-HA)

Dr. Yahia Alqahtani
Orthopedic & Spine Consultant Security Forces Hospital, Riyadh
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All Hall will be equipped with:
- A laptop with Microsoft Windows & Microsoft Office
- AV Staff will help you in preparing your presentation and will be beside for any assistance.
- The LED Screens and projectors are supporting HDMI Cables
Instructions for Speakers :
- All presentations should be saved on a USB flash memory.
- Please save presentations in PowerPoint.
- Make sure that all videos & pictures in the same file of presentation even if it’s embedded in the presentation file.
- If you have special kind of fonts, please provide us by the names of these fonts.
- We recommend using QuickTime software for video Conversion.
- Upload your presentation early ( 45 min before ) to the Audiovisual Centre (SSS AV Centre ) as we need to load the presentations to the AV Server before the sessions.
- If you exceed the presentation period, the screen will be closed automatically.
Instructions for Chairpersons :
- Please attend the session rooms 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the time of the sessions you chair.
- Please introduce the speaker, state the presentation title for each speaker and remind him/her of the duration of his presentation.
*NOTE: If you have difficulty uploading the presentation, our audio-visual staff will assist you in uploading your talk.
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